Old school Swatch Watches

16 For instance, I believe that every born-again member of the Body of Christ is a paradox in themselves. I believe each one of you Methodist and Presbyterian and Lutheran, that never had experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit, was in some formal church that did not believe in the genuine new Birth, and has now received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is a perfect example of a paradox. Because, something happened to you, that changed your whole being, and anyone could look at that and know what a paradox is: a miracle.

17  Unless that happens, you cannot be a Christian. There must be a paradox, for you to become a Christian. Cause, no one can—can change a spirit in a man, and give him new Birth, outside of God. God alone is the only One can do it. And it's a miracle how that God can take a man's thinking, and his ways, and his life, and everything, and change it from what it was, to what it can be, what He can make it.

18 For instance, a few days ago, I was called in on a—a scene, or on a—a little something going on. There was a fine young man, very fine boy, he was going with a little girl, very fine little girl out of a fine family. And this boy, all of a sudden, came up with some kind of an idea, and he just walked away. He did something wrong to the little girl, and much as promised her to do a certain thing and then didn't do it. And instead of coming to the girl and apologizing, like a—a gentleman should do, he, it just wasn't in him to do it.

19 And the father and mother called me to the scene, and said, "We would desire to know what is wrong with our boy."

20  Now, it's not easy to do sometime, but you must be truthful and honest. Therefore, the boy was a Christian, as far as a believer. He had repented and had been baptized, and had his position among the believers, but yet had not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, no matter how much he thought he had.

21  You thinking you have, and having It, is two different things. You might be able to try to say you have, and you might be able to show some evidence of some emotion; but unless your life is vindicating what you're professing to have, you still haven't got It. No matter how many emotions, how much you jump, run, sensations, speaking in tongues, or shouting, or whatever you might lay it upon; which is all right, I believe in all that, too; but unless your life copes with your testimony, then you haven't got It. Cause, the fruit of the Spirit vindicates what you are, just like the fruit of any tree tells what it is. Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them."

22  Now, this young fellow's parents. His mother is German. No reflection on the German, but there is a strain in that family. And, that is, they'll just sit, and you can talk to them, and they'll just stare you right in the face. They got… This girl's sister, the mother of this boy, her sister. I have come down the street, many morning, and this young lady be setting out in the yard, and I'd say, "Good morning, to you." She'd just look at me. And I'd stop, and I'd say, "Sure a fine morning." She would just stand, look right at you; an intelligent woman. And I'd say, "Come up to see us sometime." She'd just stand and look. Well, her brothers are that way, father and mother is that way.

23 Now the father of the boy, is strictly an Irishman, moody, and high-tempered, high-strung. That's his whole family like that, except one other out of the family, converted. Now in this, this boy…

24 This father and mother, both are Christians, filled with the Holy Ghost, and they have brought this young man up in the way of the Lord. And now the young man is about seventeen or eighteen years old, something along there, very fine kid, and he's—he's been a real model boy at home, nice kid. And he's got a brother that's just vice versa.

25  But the girls, the mother's family, lives close to the… a fine church. But do you think they'd ever come over there? No. And they know It's right, but it's just not in them to—to ask forgiveness or ask pardoning. They just won't do it. It's just not in them.

26 Now the genes in the father and the mother of this boy, no matter how much they are converted, still remains the flesh that's been interbred out to this boy. Therefore, the boy has got a complex in him, just like from his mother's family, and they are not forgiving, they will not apologize, and that's where that boy stands.

27 Now, I said to the father, "No matter how much you've raised him up…" I said, "Now look at you, out of your family: all of them, drunks, and—and fighting, and shooting, and cutting, and so forth."

28 "Now look at your family," to the mother. "They're a bunch of people, just set there and won't speak, very independent, and so forth, irreverent to religion. But," I said, "it's not you. You're the only one of all your sisters and brothers, and you are sweet, kind, and forgiving. What does that? And you're tree, part of that family tree, yet you have received the Holy Ghost. That's the thing that made you tender and sweet. It's not your people anymore, it's your Christ that lives in you."

29  I said to the boy, "Look at your family, practically all of them are drunks, and so forth." I said, "And how moody, and—and high-tempered and high-strung, but you're not. You're kind, forgiving. What is it? The Holy Spirit. You're no more what you are; it's Christ in you." I said, "Now that same thing has to happen to your son."

30 And the father raised up and said, "My son went to the altar. He was baptized correctly, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and water baptism in the pool." Said, "I know my son has come to Christ."

31  I said, "That may be all right, all the outward motions. He might be identified as a believer with the believers. But until he is regenerated, born again, I'd advise that young man to never marry a woman. He'll make Hell on earth for her, until that gentle, sweet, forgiving Spirit of Christ comes in. Then that will be a paradox in itself, to take the very nature of a boy that's bred between father and mother. And yet, in his intellectuals, he is trying his best to overcome it. He can't do it. He'll never overcome it. Christ will have to overcome it. When he lets Christ in, then he's already overcome then. It'll be a perfect paradox, when a man is born of the Spirit of God.

    63-0801 - A Paradox
    Rev. William Marrion Branham